The key to our success and what we are most proud of after years of study and experience in competition.

More than 500 breeding pairs of the top European lineages.

369 Results
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1 - 45 of 369 results
New Laureaat
BE-8-2222675COLOUR: Azul

Golden Wings Barcelona '13
Super BCN Racer 11+12+13
Barcelona 13:
1. Nat-10685p.
1. Int-25382p.
Barcelona 12:
323. Nat-1590p.
Barcelona 11:
1. Prov.-1550p.
8. Nat-12281p.
41. Int-26.650p.

Son of New Laureaat
Son of New Laureaat.
New Laureaat:
Super Barcelona Race 11+12+13
1º Nat. 10685 p.
1º Int. 25382 p.
1º Prov. 1550 p.
8º Nat. 12281 p.
41º Int. 26650 p.
323º Nat. 11590 p.
BE-04-5026055COLOUR: Rodado
1. InterNat. Narbonne 5.870 p.
1. Prov. 2005 ACE Pigeon Short Distance KBDB
1. InterNat. 2005 Narbonne
1. Nat. 2005 AVR Short Distance
Granddaughter of Sumo and Mother of Sedmos

Inbreed of Barcelona Brasse
1. Nat. Jornac 5.672 p.
4. Nat. BCN 12.275 p.
2. Nat. BCN 13.021 p.
3. Nat. BCN 11.806 p.
Granddaughter of Lady St.Vincent:
11. Nat. St. Vincent 2004
35. Nat. Dax 1993

Son of New Laureaat
Son of New Laureaat: Spr.BCN.Race 11+12+13 1.Nat. 10685p 1.Int. 25382p 1.Prov. 1550p Son of Dianne: 21.Nat. Perpignan 5409p 103.Nat. Narbonne3773p
Little Joe
BE-1-2239585COLOUR: Rodado
Half Brother Godiva
9. InterNat. Marseille 20.786 p.
384. Nat. Jarnac 6.856 p.
9. Nat. Bordeaux
11. Nat. Perpig. 6.246 p.
27. Nat. BCN. 13.021 p.
30. Nat. Brive
One of the best players in history
Jonge Bliksem
BE-1-3266512COLOUR: Azul
Son of Bliksem X Daughter of Wittenbuik.
Father of Harry of Jan Hooymans:
1. Blois 37.728 p.
1. Chateaur 22.340 p.
2. Salbris 7.573 p.
2. Blois 4.829 p.
3. Blois 5.653 p.
3. Chateaur 21.520 p.
5. Chateaur 5.979 p.
6. Offenburg 7.151 p.
1. Olympic Pigeon Cat D Lievin 2003
67. Prov. Argenton 8.124 p.
7. InterProv. Vierzon 3.621 p.
1. Prov. 2001 Vierzon 1.712 p.
20. Nat. 2001 Argenton 23.493 p.
2. Nat. 2001 La Souterraine 6.078 p.
21. Prov. 2002 Chateauroux 2.327 p.
Grandson of New Laureaat.
Super.BCN.Race 11+12+13
1.Nat. 10685 p.
1.Int. 25382p
1.Prov. 1550p.
8.Nat. 12281p.
Descendant of Bonte Narbonne:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850p.963 km
97.Nat. BCN 7046p. 1169 km
302.Nat. St Vincent 5336p. 1000 km
Olympiade 003
BE-1-6455003COLOUR: Rodado
Olympic Pigeon 2003 in Lievin Cat A
2. Nat. ACE Pigeon 2002
1. Quivrain 390 p.
1. Noyon 193 p.
2. Noyon 1242 p.
2. Noyon 485 p.
3. Noyon 1322 p.
4. Noyon 873 p.
4. Noyon 454 p.
Black Magic
BE-10-2135147COLOUR: Azul
1. Nat. Perpignan 17.965 p.
34. Nat. Montauban 6.822 p.
66. Nat. Limoges 4.453 p.
Son of Special One
Son of Special One.
Grandson of New Laureaat.
New Laureaat:
Super Barcelona Race 11+12+13
1º Nat. 10685 p.
1º Int. 25382 p.
1º Prov. 1550 p.
8º Nat. 12281 p.
Father of Oklahoma
1. ACE Bird Antwerp Flying Club LD
1. ACE Bird Union Antwerp LD
1. Best YB 7 and Prov.
2. Best YB 7 and Prov.
Grandson of Pinocchio:
1. Argenton 4.740 p.
1. Argenton 9.864 p.

Son of Special One
Son of The Special One:
1.Int. BCN 19083 p. (just onland one pigeon arrive the same daand)
Ace Pigeons Nat. es Int. es:
1º Int. Marseille 01
1º Nat. Perpignan 04
1º Nat. Beziers
1º Nat. As Long Distance.
Nieuwe Olympiade
BE-10-6146101COLOUR: Rodado
2. Olympic Pigeon poznan Cat F 2011
1. Quievrain 2.460 p.
2. Quievrain 2.790 p.
3. Quievrain 2.073 p.
25. Quievrain 1.152 p.
BE-11-2186632COLOUR: Azul
Yvan X Daughter of Bliksem.
1. Nat. Argenton.
7. Nat. Chateauroux.
10. Toury 344 p. 371 Km.
13. InterProv. Moulins 3044 p. 491 Km.
17. InterProv. Montlucon 3758 p. 529 Km.
86. Nat. Montlucon 18568 p. 529 km.
Grandson of Special One:
1.Int. BCN 19083 p. (just onland one pigeon arrive the same daand)
1.Int. Marseille 01
1.Nat. Perpignan 04
1.Nat. Beziers
1.Nat. As Long Distance.
Descendant of New Laureaat:
Ala of Gold Barcelona 13
Super BCN Race 11+12+13
Euro Legend
BE-12-1232829COLOUR: Rodado
Son of Euro:
1. WENcup Dortmund 03
1. Nat. ACE Pigeon
1. Quievrain 2.687 p.
1. Quievrain 2.516 p.
Grandson of Olympiade 003:
Olympic Pigeon Lievin 2003
2. Nat. ACE Pigeon 02.
1. Quivrain 390 p.
2. Quivrain 485 p.
Super Romeo
1. Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2013
3. Fontenay 306 p.
9. Argenton 295 p.
18. Nat. Brive 6.842 p.
2. Prov. Tulle 809 p.
4. Nat. ZA Tulle 2.209 p.
Belgian Star
BE-12-6123310COLOUR: Azul
1. Ace Pigeon KBDB Half Short Distance.
8 x 1. Prizes 2012-2013
1. Orleans 1.187 p. 396 Km 2013
1. Pithiviers 683 p. 360 km 2013
1. Orleans 570 p. 396 km 2013
1. Soissons 400 p. 207 km 2012
Deep Ocean
Sister of Sunrise Ocean:
3. Ace Bird LD Union Anntwerp 2012
3. Nat. 2012
Mother of Oklahoma:
1. Ace bird Antwerp Flying Club LD
1. Nat. Ace Bird Van Robaeys-LVC Championsship
Granddaughter of Rivaldo x Queen L
Son of Bonte Narbonne
Son of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850p
97.Nat. BCN 7046p.
302.Nat. St.Vincent 5336p.
Inbreed Witbuick:
14.Nat. St.Vincent 16629p.
Father of Jonge Witbuik.
Granddaughter of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850p. 963 km
97.Nat. Barcelona 7046p. 1169 km
302.Nat. St Vincent 5336p. 1000 km
Granddaughter of Zorro:
1.Nat. St. Vincent 5344p. 1001km
1.St-Vincent 950p
New Bliksem
BE-13-3056024COLOUR: Azul
1. Tours 120 p.
5. Prov. Tours 2.964 p.
1. Bourges 228 p.
10. Prov. Bourges 3.039 p.
1. Nat. Tulle ZA 2.004 p.
1. Nat. Tulle 5.731 p.
Inbreed of Witbuick:
14.Nat. St. Vincent 16629 p.
Father of Jonge Witbuik
Grandson of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850p.
97.Nat. BCN 7046p.
Descendant of Dax, who is Father of:
2.Nat. Ace Pigeon Short Distance.
1.Prov. Ace Pigeon Short Distance.
Father of Oklahoma Jr. 4. Nat. ACE KBDB GMD YBs 2014.
With only 3 years of age he gave youngsters top of 10 to 100 in Nat., getting up to 30.000 pigeons with different breeders.
Grandson of Bonte Narbonne:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850 p. 963 km
97.Nat. Barcelona 7046 p. 1169 km
302.Nat. St Vincent 5336 p. 1000 km
Grandson of Zorro:
1.Nat. St Vincent 5344p. 1001 km
1.St Vincent 950p
765.Nat. Montauban 8514p
1035.Nat. St Vincent 6052p
Father of Seven Junior:
2. Nat. Ace Pigeon KBDB 2016
1. Best
1. Best pigeon in 7 Nat. Pipa Ranking.
Granddaughter of Bonte Narbone and Zorro.
Bonte Narbone:
24º Nat. Narbonne 3850 p. 963 Km.
97º Nat. Barcelona 7046 p.
1º Nat. St Vincent 6052 p.
BE-13-6151299COLOUR: Azul
Descendant of Goed Rood:
1. Noyon 822 p.
1. Noyon Kittel
1. Nat. ACE.Pigeon
Bullet won 8 prizes:
5. Pommerouel 1.731 p.
6. NPO Pommerouel 5.182 p.
11. StJob 210 p.
37. Nijvel 1.911 p.
38. mantes 1.085 p.
89. Nijvel 1.274 p.
Descendant of Usain by EijerKamp
Red Ace
BE-13-6202996COLOUR: Rodado
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon KBDB 2016.
Extreme Long Distance.
2. Nat. Narbonne 4113 p.903Km.
6. InterNat. Narbonne 10836 p.
22. Nat. Barcelona 7693 p. 1102 Km.
59. InterNat. Barcelona 17729 p.
RACEd by Kristof Mortelmans.
Granddaughter of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850p.963 km
97.Nat. Barcelona 7046p.1169 km
302.Nat. St Vincent 5336p.1000 km
Descendant of Dax :
Father of:
2.Nat. Ace Pigeon Short Distance.
Descendant of Witbuick:
14.Nat. St. Vincent 16629 p
Grandson of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850p. 963 km
97.Nat. Barcelona 7046p. 1169 km
302.Nat. St Vincent 5336p. 1000 km
Descendant of Dax:
Dax es Father of:
2.Nat. Ace Pigeon Short Distance.
1.Prov Ace Pigeon Short Distance.
Grandson of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850p.
97.Nat. BCN 7046p.
Descendant of Zorro:
1.Nat. St.Vincent 5344p. 1001km
1.St.Vincent 950p.
765.Nat. Montauban 8514p.
1035.Nat. St.Vincent 6052p.

Runner Top in 2015:
2. Nat. Chateauroux 18.658 p.
5. Nat. Tulle 8.656 p.
14. Prov. Villemandeur 1.569 p.
8. Sezanne 626 p.
21. Reims 687 p.
67. Trelou 868 p.
69. Reims 763 p.
Granddaughter of Zorro of Batenburg, Inbreed of Witbuik.
1ª Int. Barcelona.
1º Nat. St Vincent 5344 p. 1001 km
1º St Vincent 950 p.
765º Nat. Montauban 8514 p.
1035º Nat. St Vincent 6052 p.
Granddaughter of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne 3850 p.963Km.
97.Nat. Barcelona 7046 p.1169Km.
302.Nat. St Vincent 5336 p.
Descendant(band Mother)of Witbuick of Batenburg_Merwe:
14.Nat. StVincent 16629p.
Granddaughter of Bonte Narbone:
24.Nat. Narbonne3850p.
97.Nat. Barcelona7046p.
302.Nat. St Vincent 5336p.
Granddaughter of Bonte Bordeaux:
16.Nat. Bordeaux 12423p. 850Km
Inbreed of Witbuik 153
De Jan
BE-2-6113220COLOUR: Rodado
Son of Blauw Kampioentje.
6 X 1. Prizes.
* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
1 - 45 of 369 results

Years of effort to create a breeding program with international impact

Together with our team of people, the WINKIE breeding program is what we are most proud of. It has taken many years of racing experience, knowledge of the lineages and contacts in the European breeding stations to build up our breeding roster, which is one of the most outstanding in the pigeon breeding stations of Southern Europe.

In addition, WINKIE's general manager, Javier Peral, has been a personal friend of some of the best fanciers in the world for years, which facilitates access to the knowledge and breeders of great lineages such as Hugo Batenburg, Jos Thoné, Monick Nys, the Freialdenhofen brothers or Leo Heremans.

We are proud to say that WINKIE's breeding pedigree includes The Crow, Sedna, Sedmos (Thoné), three sons of New Laureaat and one son of Special One (Batenburg), daughter of Forrest Gump (Freialdenhofen) or Bullet (Lambrecht) among the more than 500 pairs that reside in the breeding station.

Years of study, dedication and competition to create a group of breeders ofinternational scope from which breed pigeons with the best conditions and pedigrees come out. Find out in this section of our website about our best breeders.