Recovery Plus


A protein preparation to help recover quickly after a race. During breeding may be used to provide the high protein requirements of feeding pigeons and their growing youngsters.

Stock Price
600 grs
32.99 € *

A protein preparation to help recover quickly after a race. During breeding may be used to provide the high protein requirements of feeding pigeons and their growing youngsters.

Use of guanidine-acetic acid, which speeds up the recovery of the muscles that are affected by racing.

Contains a wide range of vitamins (B1-B2-B3-B12-C-E-PP) and minerals (Potassium, Natrium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Calcium).

In support of the immune system also contains green tea extract.

20 gr / 1 kg para cada toma de alimentación.

Durante la temporada de reproducción: 1 vez por semana.

Durante la temporada de carreras: 1 x por semana (en el regreso a casa).

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