27 diciembre 2023

8º puesto de la paloma de Monick Nys y Winkie Pigeons

8º puesto de la paloma de Monick Nys y Winkie Pigeons en la carrera Pattaya International Pigeon Race Season 2023

Con un tiempo record de 8: 23:35 mins ha recorrido 430km en la carrera de Pattaya International Pigeon Race Season 2023 - Hotspot 4

La paloma BE 23-6150191 de Monick Nys- Winkie Pigeons consigue unos resultados espectaculares en la carrera completada del 27 de diciembre de 2023.

Winkie Pigeons junto a Monick Nys, están presentes en las carreras más internacionales y reputadas del mundo de la colombofilia consiguiendo números éxitos.


20 abril 2022

Winkie viaja a América


Winkie Pigeons visitará las próximas semanas tres de los países referentes mundiales de la colombofilia. A través del fundador de Winkie, Javier Peral, nos desplazamos a Argentina, México y Estados Unidos para conocer de primera mano cómo es la situación de nuestro deporte en Sudamérica y Norteamérica.


Igualmente, explicaremos las opciones de poder hacer llegar a América las palomas de los mejores linajes centroeuropeos y seguir haciendo nuestro deporte más grande. Y por supuesto, a compartir tiempo y espacio en lo que más nos gusta: la colombofilia.


Los interesados en poder cerrar una cita con Winkie, por favor, escriban un email a teniendo en cuenta las siguientes fechas:

  • Argentina: del 17 al 27 de abril
  • México: del 28 de abril al 7 de mayo
  • Miami: a partir del 8 de mayo
16 febrero 2021

A WINKIE Pigeon, winner of the final training of the 245 km Pattaya OLR

WINKIE Pigeons is a benchmark breeding station in Europe. In addition, it is also one of the world's best competitors in international and national Derbies.

08 julio 2019

Interview with Stephaan Lambrechts

Stefaan Lambrechts has one of the most valuable breeding loft in Belgium. There are not many fanciers that have an Ace Pigeon (Lincia), a 2nd (188/13), 3rd (Den Tornado), 7th (Christiane), 9th (Ynthe) and 14th (Aure) position and parents...

18 noviembre 2018

Interview with Gaby Vandenabeele

It is difficult to imagine and describe the achievements of Gaby Vandenabeele pigeons over the past 30 years. Vandenabeele has won almost 100 provincial victories in his own loft, as well as six national awards. The list of successful results is incalculable if you consider the prizes won by hisbirds in other lofts all over the world. Their pigeons are part of the history of Belgian pigeon racing.

24 octubre 2018

1st successful auction of the finalists of the Costa Del Sol Derby 2018

We have already exceeded 11,000 euros in the first of the auctions of the finalists of the Costa del Sol International Derby. This first auction from positions 26 to 50, has added more than 11,000 euros, with an excellent average of 440 euros per bird.

04 junio 2018

Interview with Jelle Roziers

WINKIE had the opportunity to have an exclusive interview with Jelle Roziers, Belgian fancier, expert in young pigeons and heir of the birds of the Houben lineage. 2016 has been an incredibly exceptional year for Jelle Roziers, having won nothing more and nothing less than eight national top 100 in the As Paloma championships: 2nd, 7th, 47th, 55th, 66th, 68th, 83rd and 91st As Paloma Nacional de Half Fund (young pigeons).

04 junio 2018

Interview with Monick Nys

At WINKIE we have had the honour of chatting with one of the few pigeon fanciers who exist. She is the Belgian, Monick Nys, owner of the pure breed Janssen de Arendonk pigeons. Monick started in this sport since she was a child with her father and mentor.

04 junio 2018

Interview with Leo Heremans

At WINKIE we had the pleasure of interviewing Leo Heremans. The love for this sport started in a very peculiar way. A pigeon landed on the stairs that lead to the terrace of his house. In 1978, Heremans competed, for the first time, with 15 young pigeons. Leo had a pigeon that was his favourite; De Entje. With this, he won 14 prizes and was the descendant of two Huysmans doves.